Case study


UI/UX Design

Envision a decision-fatigue-free experience for music users. UI/UX design.


UX&UI Design

Usic is design to allow users tailoring their music playing experience with minimum effort.

Usic aims to be a "housekeeper of music", by helping the users enrich their music playing experience and make music better integrated and supportive to their daily life.

During this 3-month project, I ...

  • User research and usability tests regarding competitive analysis and user interview. Conducted competitive analysis and user testing for product iteration.
  • Created sketches, wireframes, iterated visual design, and made interactive prototypes to present the outcome.

Phase 1 - Pre Research

Understand how users experience similar products.

#Qualitative Research #Interviews

Phase 2 - Define & Ideation

Specify & define the needs of the users. Figure out the rough idea of the product.

#Competitive AnalysisIterationDesign Solutions.

Phase 3 - Ideate & Protytype.

#Figma #Illustrator #AfterEffects #Motion Prototype

Phase 4 - Recollection

Look back! Evaluate solutions against the users‘ needs.

#Usability Testing

The remainder of this page details the exploration of methods with implementation and process work.

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